Despite the majority of submissions disagreeing with with the TGAs vaping regulation public consultation run in late 2022, policy makers dismissed these submissions as being "campaign responses from nicotine addicts" and on May 2nd 2023, Australian Federal Minister of Health Mark Butler announced the government plans to double down on a proposed vaping ban in Australia.
Go to comments (5)Despite the majority of submissions disagreeing with with the TGAs vaping regulation public consultation run in late 2022, policy makers dismissed these submissions as being "campaign responses from nicotine addicts" and on May 2nd, Australian Federal Minister of Health Mark Butler announced the government plans to double down on a proposed vaping ban in Australia.
You can view Mark Butlers release here.
The reason for the ban comes from unintended consequences resulting from a failed prescription model implemented in October 2021 which in turn created one of the largest blackmarkets for vaping products the world has ever known.
Proposed Changes
Prohibition on the import of non-prescription vaping products
Only pharmacies will be able to import vaping products. For a pharmacy to import a vaping product they will need to obtain an import permit from the TGA, and prove that products comply to new product requirements and will be limited for sale in registered pharmacies only.
Any shipments declared as containing a vaping product will be refused entry into Australia unless the importer has a valid vaping import permit.
Black-market vaping products declared as flavorings, shampoo, essential oils etc will continue to arrive into Australia as usual, much like traditional contraband such as heroine, cocaine and tobacco which continues to be smuggled through Australian boarders every day.
Pharmaceutical-like packaging
Pharmaceutical packaging for all vaping products with plain flavours only. Minister Butler hasn't stated a full flavour ban but has mentioned flavours like "BubbleGum" will be prohibited under the new rules.

Reduced nicotine concentrations
Based on the TGA consultation the intent is to limit the maximum concentration of nicotine to 20mg/ml, making vaping significantly less effective at satisfying cravings from tobacco cigarettes.
Prohibition on all single use, disposable vapes.
The Minister for Health and Aged care and now environment plans to ban all single use disposable vaping products, based on their environmental impact.
State Governments to be a made responsible for closing down small retail businesses
The intention of this is that the importation and sale of vapes in retail settings will end. State governments will be responsible for closing down the sale of vapes in retail settings, ending vape sales in convenience stores and other retail settings,
Monopolize Pharmacy
Acknowledging the therapeutic benefits of vaping as a means to quit smoking, pharmacies will be the only retailers of vaping products like this one part owned by Chemist Warehouse and associated with a former Health Minister.
Prescriptions will be "easier to get" , with all GPs being authorised to provide a vaping prescription to a generic pharmacy branded vaping product if they deem it to be necessary.
Increased Support to Tobacco Industry
Minister Butler acknowledges that closing down the sale of vapes in retail settings will likely result in an uptake in smoking so is introducing an addition 5% tobacco excise hike per year projected to generate an additional $3.3b in taxes.
Tobacco excise has taken a hammering in recent years with Treasurer Jim Chalmers recently stating the rise of vaping in Australia is concerning and has caused a $5b budget hole resulting from lower smoking rates. Unfortunately this is not a conspiracy theory - Click here!
The Government plans to use $63m of this tax windfall to fund public health information campaign to discourage Australians from taking up vaping, and a further $30m in support programs aimed at helping Australians quit!
Timeline - When will the Australia Vape Ban Happen?
Right now this is simply an announcement of intent from the Government and there have been no timelines communicated.
There have been no changes to the current rules, your current prescription is still valid and orders to Australia are making it through as usual.
For the proposed ban to take place, State Health Departments need to work together to coordinate and create a suite of regulations, which will take time. Given the sheer scale of businesses and adult ex smokers impacted under these proposals its unlikely to be an immediate change so we'll keep you informed as information develops.
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Legalise Vaping Australia (LVA) is a grassroots consumer advocacy group tirelessly fighting for your right to vape.
New Vape Laws Australia | Mark Butler plans to ban vaping
Comments (5)
I was a heavy smoker for 48 years and tried many times to quit via every method unsuccessful till I discovered Vapes.. This is total nonsense, what the government are intending to do.. Yes, the teenagers need to be discouraged/stopped from starting this habit (vaping) but don’t punish those who were encouraged in the 50’s 60’s & 70’s to smoke and have an addiction and are doing the right thing..
This is all about revenue for the government, which they have lost now due to ex-smokers no longer funding their coffers!!
It is a democratic right to enjoy what you want to enjoy, without being constantly penalised…
I think they need to turn their attention to Alcohol, Gambling and Sugar, which is way more destructive than the harmless ciggie/vape!
I’m sick & tired of being penalised for my only enjoyment, pick on some other majority for your taxes..
We are definitely becoming a dictatorship country!
I smoked 30 cigarettes a day, had no intention of quitting. My daughter purchased a 20mg reusable vape for me and I quit smoking from the very first try of an alt vape from NZ. I was required to get a prescription from quitline and I sam 100% supportive of smokers swapping to capping. I am so much fitter, have more energy and only use the vape 4 times a day for 30 seconds. I do not agree with the vape to lung version the kids use. I agree to restricting access and prescription only. I’m not ready to let go of my vape just yet even after 2.5 years without smoking cigarettes. I need this please don’t take it away from me
This is nonsensical they have the evidence that vaping is saving thousands of lives of former smokers . I know people that went back to smoking when they introduced the prescription model because the supermarket was their to get their cigarettes. Our medical centre said they have no interest in giving out prescriptions for vapers .So how is that going to work . Our chemist said they want nothing to do with it so have these brainwave politicians worked out that road block. IVaping has worked in the UK is worked in NZ and other country’s around the world so what’s the difference here in Australia . The thing that every person thinks that I have spoken to says it’s revenue for tobacco they don’t want you to give up cigarettes. And after this no brain idea from the government I tend to agree . They really are not worried about the health of former smokers who have given up the cigarettes with use of vape it seems to me their more worried about stopping the Chinese throw away vapes used by teenagers . It seems to be easy to kick those in the guts who are doing the right thing than stop the blackmarket to teenagers. And now they want drop the nicotine level down which won’t help smokers quit . We have turned in to a dictatorship of a country with no say in just about anything . I feel sorry for vapers I smoked for 40 yrs and after all the things I tried which include patches , sprays, gum , the qit line , hypnotherapy but nothing worked till I tried vaping finally something worked I no smoke or vape and I can thank vaping for that it took a while but I gradually cut down the nicotine level until I could just stop . I vote and used to vape I will never vote Labor again because of this no brain cruel government who won’t look at the clear evidence and are putting money before health .
This is nonsensical they have the evidence that vaping is saving thousands of lives of former smokers . I know people that went back to smoking when they introduced the prescription model because the supermarket was their to get their cigarettes. Our medical centre said they have no interest in giving out prescriptions for vapers .So how is that going to work . Our chemist said they want nothing to do with it so have these brainwave politicians worked out that road block. IVaping has worked in the UK is worked in NZ and other country’s around the world so what’s the difference here in Australia . The thing that every person thinks that I have spoken to says it’s revenue for tobacco they don’t want you to give up cigarettes. And after this no brain idea from the government I tend to agree . They really are not worried about the health of former smokers who have given up the cigarettes with use of vape it seems to me their more worried about stopping the Chinese throw away vapes used by teenagers . It seems to be easy to kick those in the guts who are doing the right thing than stop the blackmarket to teenagers. And now they want drop the nicotine level down which won’t help smokers quit . We have turned in to a dictatorship of a country with no say in just about anything . I feel sorry for vapers I smoked for 40 yrs and after all the things I tried which include patches , sprays, gum , the qit line , hypnotherapy but nothing worked till I tried vaping finally something worked I no smoke or vape and I can thank vaping for that it took a while but I gradually cut down the nicotine level until I could just stop . I vote and used to vape I will never vote Labor again because of this no brain cruel government who won’t look at the clear evidence and are putting money before health .
When you ban alcohol and gambling you can ban vaping. Which causes more destruction to families and communities?